XSOFT is a privately owned IT company that specializes in developing software such as MOM, MES, SCADA and ERP systems for small, medium and large manufacturers.

XSOFT has helped more than 100 companies  from various industries to improve their manufacturing processes through integration of carefully designed software products according to their needs. All solutions the company offers are focused on cost effectiveness, simplification and improvement of work efficiency which makes them an invaluable instrument for the future development of any manufacturing business.

През годините в XSOFT изградихме ефективен процес на работа разделен на 6 опростени стъпки. Тази методика създава среда за ясна и точна комуникация между клиента и нашите разработчици, като във всеки един момент Вие знаете на кой етап се намира Вашият проект.

Phase 1: Inquiry/Meeting

Phase 2: Analyzing and drafting of the specification

Phase 3: Drafting an offer

Phase 4: Development of the software product

Phase 5: Testing phase

Phase 6: Integrating the software system and training the user groups

Krasimir Stoev

Project Manager

Pavel Milanov

Full Stack Developer

Dimiter Dinev

Full Stack Developer